Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Game #9: Hyrule Warriors

Hyrule Warriors
Platform: WiiU
Total Playtime: 10 Hours

So historically, I have never been a huge fan of Dynasty Warriors. I think the last one I played was back on PS2 and after like an hour or two I just turned it off. I understood the appeal of it, it just wasn't really up my ally at the time.

With Hyrule Warriors, I think I initially wrote this off as a cool idea, but not something I would buy. Reviews were super solid though, so I gave in. Honestly, this game is pure stupid fun.I was really surprised that I could be entertained for so long by just mindlessly blowing through thousands of enemies. I think the Zelda package around it went a long way towards my overall enjoyment.

The only real disappointment I had with the game was that so many of the story levels pretty much forced you to use Link, who wasn't really the most interesting character to play as. Ganondorf is a fucking beast, as is Princess Ruto. Once I had those two, I was wrecking on a whole different level.

Play as a stupid amount of characters, murder minions, kill bosses, get heart pieces. That's the game, and it was well worth my time. It is kinda weird to see Ganondorf use a hookshot though.

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