Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Game #8: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
Platform: PC
Total Playtime: 3 Hours

BAH! This was a short one. So technically, this game is stand alone DLC for Saints Row 4, picking up after the events of "How the Saints saved Christmas". While this one was a bit bigger budget than the other DLC packs so far, it was a little light on the humor compared to some of the previous outings.

In terms of gameplay, there are no real "Story" missions. You basically go around the open world completing the various challenges until Satan gets mad enough at you to advance the plot. Mechanic wise, you have multiple new superpowers, and an actual flight mode instead of just gliding. Flying actually feels really awesome, and the flight challenges were by far my favorite. Other familiar Saints Row challenges show up again like mayhem and fraud. You also get a new batch of weapons this time out, but once again dual pistols wrecks pretty much everything in the game if you can aim well enough.

More Saints Row is never a bad thing, and I always smile when interacting with the gang again. I just wish the trip was a bit longer, and the jokes more plentiful. I honestly just ended up missing SR4 more after playing this. I may go back and do another playthrough sometime this year. If you've never played it, the next gen bundle with SR4 and all the DLC + Gat is incredibly worth your time.

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