Thursday, January 29, 2015

Game #10: Pokemon Alpha Sapphire

Pokemon Alpha Saphire
Platform: 3DS
Total Playtime: 21 Hours

So, Pokemon Gold and Silver is the only mainline Pokemon game I never beat. Isn't that nuts? I have been playing Pokemon games for 20 years. Hundreds of hours spent capturing little dumb monsters and forcing them to fight other dumb monsters. I actually still have my Blastoise from Pokemon Red in Pokemon Y. I love that little thing, and I love this franchise.

I wonder why I can look past the fact that the game is largely the same year after year. Maybe because it's a lower price on handhelds? Maybe the pure nostalgia factor? I will say that it did take me a while to beat this one instead of blitzing through it like I did with Pokemon Y, but I still bought it day 1 and managed to complete it. This is one silly little fad I am still happy to have in my life.

I think I'll be spending more time in this one as there seems to be more post game content in this one compared to Y. Now to transfer over 400 Pokemon into this version.

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