Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Game #3: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix HD

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix HD
Platform: PS3
Total Playtime: 17 hours

So the other day when I was playing Halo 1, Erika wanted to use the TV so I went in the room and saw the copy of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 that my Sister-In-Law got me for Christmas. Now you can't jump into 2 without beating 1 first, so off I went!

So it was funny playing this right after Halo 1, since both games rely a lot on backtracking through the same areas multiple times. There is a definite lack of direction in this game, forcing you to wander through every area you have access to in order to advance the story.

Despite that though, the game is still a blast. Combat is super fluid and a lot of fun once you start unlocking combos, and it only gets better as the series progresses. Final Mix made a lot of improvements to the camera too, which I remember being a nuisance back when I beat Kingdom Hearts years ago. The game looks beautiful too, they really did a fantastic job overhauling the visuals.

The final level was a huge challenge and felt super rewarding when I managed to beat it. I love this game, and I was super happy playing through it again.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Game #2: Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary

Halo: CE Anniversary
Platform: XB1
Total Playtime: 7 Hours

This was kinda cool. I had never actually beaten Halo 1 before this so it was good to finally check this one off.

Playing through, I couldn't help but notice so many design decisions that would land you in a lot of trouble if they were done today. Multiple levels that are just previous levels but backwards. Lots of cut and paste rooms. Big maps without any objective indicators pointing you to exactly where you need to be. I'm not saying these choices were bad, only that we've learned a lot as an industry since the original Xbox days.

Of course Halo 1 did a lot of things right too. That regenerating shield mechanic that made total sense in this game would of course go on to basically be mandatory in shooters, even where it doesn't make sense. Multiple different vehicle segments to break up the pace were also a lot of fun, even though the Warthog treats every terrain like a frozen lake. Guns all felt unique and you could already see Bungie had a great understanding of fun gunplay.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Game #1: Sunset Overdrive

Sunset Overdrive
Platform: XB1
Total Playtime: ~12 Hours

What a fun, clean game. Not clean as in language mind you, I had a building tell me to fuck off. Clean as in polish, which is kinda mandatory in a game so focused around locomotion. Controls were incredibly tight, framerate stayed steady, and I only encountered a few very minor visual issues.

It was fun playing an open world game again where travel around the city was a big part of gameplay. It reminded me of Spider-Man 2, where you steadily unlocked more and more tools to get around and you honestly felt like a badass when you mastered everything and could put it all together. Once you master navigating your environment, you feel, and look, pretty damn cool as you traverse the world. When a game makes me rather run somewhere on my own instead of fast travel just because it's more fun, that's a win in my book.

Length was what you expect for a game like this, though there are still collectibles and side missions I didn't finish. I typically don't though in open world titles. Too many painful memories from having to 100% games for sprints. Difficulty was a little on the easy side, especially with checkpoint style respawning where you pick up right where you left off. Oh, I didn't try multiplayer either, which is just one of the single player activities in co-op.

I enjoyed my time with this one. Next up, I start working through the Master Chief collection starting with Halo 1.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Introduction, Rules, and the oh so fun disclaimer

Hello Friends!

Okay, so I play a lot of games every year. Like seriously, it's probably unhealthy but you're not my real Dad so whatever I'll keep doing it.

This year though, I saw a post about the 52 game challenge over on NeoGAF and got to thinking. Just how many games do I play a year? Could I honestly complete this goal? Why not just push myself a bit farther and not only beat the games, but also write about them too?

Honestly, it all sounded like fun but instead of doing it to be cool on a message board, I am doing it mainly for myself. If any of you fine readers enjoy my thoughts and happen to come with me on this trip though, I am happy to have you along for the ride. Drop a comment, shoot me a message, tell me what to play next, call me an idiot, send me erotic Sonic fan fiction, hey whatever keeps you interested.

Now, the rules I will set for myself:

  • This challenge will run from 12/26/2014 through 12/25/2015
  • A game shall be considered "Beaten" when one or more of the following applicable criteria are met
    • The game's credits roll upon completion of the campaign.
    • Should the game not have a set end point, completing the vast majority available content will constitute completion. (Example: I would consider Warlords of Draenor complete after hitting level 100 and beating all dungeons and raids on any difficulty)
    • For multiplayer only titles, 20 hours of gameplay will constitute completion.
  • The games I complete can be on any platform.
  • I am not limited to one game per week.
  • I can replay a game if I desire, though I will try to avoid this.
  • I must write up my thoughts on a title and post about it in this blog for it to count as one of the 52 games.

Finally, a few disclaimers!
  • The views and opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of Trevor Page. These views and opinions do not represent those of my employer, Blizzard Entertainment. This blog is for me to learn more and put voice to my thoughts, so please don't dwell on my employer.
  • Just because I say I did not enjoy a game does not mean a game is bad. Different people find enjoyment in different things, and no one piece of entertainment is everything to everyone.
  • I am not a professional reviewer, I just have opinions on the things I play. 
  • Do NOT attempt this at home. 
Well, wish me luck! I have a feeling I don't fully understand what I am getting myself into here. By the way, Game #1 will be this unholy spawn of Jet Grind Radio and Saints Row.