Friday, July 24, 2015

Game #19: Ducktales Remastered

Ducktales Remastered
Platform: PC
Duration: 2 Hours


  • Dat music.
  • I actually haven't played a platformer in a while and it was quite enjoyable.
  • 2D sprites look great.
  • OG voice actors. 
  • Himalayas.
  • I got really good at the last level...because I had to reply it 3 times since the final boss kept crashing. Had to disable all of my processors except one to get around a 100% crash with multi-core systems. Real edge case bug, I mean who even has more than one processor?

  • The controls weren't as tight as they could have been. Felt a bit floaty.
  • The hit boxes in this game were abysmal.
  • Cutscenes were longer than a Metal Gear title.

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