Monday, July 27, 2015

Game #21: LIMBO

Platform: PC
Duration: 2.5 Hours

Not once did I ever limbo under anything. 0/10

loljk. Anyway, I will say that I think the best aspect of the game is the style. It's honestly pretty unique. I think it got in the way of some puzzles though because it wasn't entirely clear that I could interact with some of the things in the environment.

I still am not a huge fan of this game, even after finally completing it. There were really odd difficulty peaks and valleys throughout the game. Sure the puzzles got more complex as you went along, but complexity does not inherently add difficulty. Some of these puzzles, particularly the more complicated physics based ones, were pretty interesting. Some though, were just boring. Also there were "puzzles" that were just simple GOTCHA moments that were pretty annoying to encounter. It's like, yeah, okay, you surprised me with that second bear trap. I now know about this "puzzle" and will just avoid it next time. That isn't very fun gameplay to me.

Also I may just not be "artsy" enough, but I had precisely zero idea what was going on.

Game #20: Silent Hill: The Arcade

Silent Hill: The Arcade
Platform: Arcade Cabinet
Duration: 40 minutes

Joe Floro and I beat the crap out of this shooter at Round 1 this past weekend. We got like halfway through the second act before we realized we hadn't died at all, so we steeled ourselves against the terrible voice acting and fought Pyramid Head like 18 times.

It was easy enough and honestly there were some cool little segments (we shot people in bunny mascot costumes while they rode a merry-go-round and shot at us with shotguns.)

I will never play this again.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Game #19: Ducktales Remastered

Ducktales Remastered
Platform: PC
Duration: 2 Hours


  • Dat music.
  • I actually haven't played a platformer in a while and it was quite enjoyable.
  • 2D sprites look great.
  • OG voice actors. 
  • Himalayas.
  • I got really good at the last level...because I had to reply it 3 times since the final boss kept crashing. Had to disable all of my processors except one to get around a 100% crash with multi-core systems. Real edge case bug, I mean who even has more than one processor?

  • The controls weren't as tight as they could have been. Felt a bit floaty.
  • The hit boxes in this game were abysmal.
  • Cutscenes were longer than a Metal Gear title.